ما هي الاختصارات الإنجليزية المنطوقة (Reductions)؟
اختصارات اللهجة الأمريكية هي الكلمات التي يتم اختصارها عندما يقوم المتحدث باللغة الإنجليزية بتقصير أو حذف أصوات معينة. كلمات مثل "wanna" التي لا تُستخدم في اللغة الإنجليزية الرسمية ولكنها تُستخدم في المحادثات بين المتحدثين الأصليين على التلفزيون وفي الأفلام والموسيقى وما إلى ذلك.
لماذا يجب أن تتعلم اختصارات اللهجة الأمريكية (reductions)؟
إذا كنت تواجه مشكلة في فهم الكلام في الأفلام والمسلسلات أو الأغاني الأنجليزية فقد يرجع السبب في ذلك إل أن المتحدثين استخدموا اختصارات انجليزية أنت لا تعرفها أو لم تسمع بها من قبل. إن معرفة هذه الاختصارات ستعزز طلاقتك بسهولة وتسمح للكلمات بالتدفق إلى عقلك دون عناء.
يرجى العلم أننا نستخدم هذه الاختصارات في المحادثات الغير رسمية فقط.
قائمة بأشهر وأهم 50 اختصاراً في العامية الإنجليزية
- ain’t = am not / is not / are not → Ain’t it the truth?
- ain’t = have not / has not → She ain’t seen the movie yet.
- a lotta = a lot of → You’re gonna have a lotta fun.
- n = and → I really enjoy coffee n cookies.
- betcha = bet you → I betcha it’s going to rain tomorrow.
- cuppa = cup of → Would you like a cuppa tea?
- couldna = couldn’t have → You couldna said it better if you tried.
- c’mon = come on → Oh c'mon, you don't really mean that!
- cos = because → I was absent from school cos I had a cold.
- dunno = I don’t know → I dunno, it just happened.
- doncha = don’t you → Doncha wanna stay fit and healthy?
- didntcha = didn’t you → Didntcha like the movie?
- gonna = going to → It’s not gonna be easy.
- gotta = got to → I gotta go.
- gimme = give me → Gimme a break, kid!
- gotcha = got you → I gotcha.
- hafta = have to → I hafta call my mom.
- hasta = has to → He hasta attend the meeting at 5 pm.
- hadda = had to → I hadda finish my homework before going out with friends.
- howarya = how are you → Howarya doing?
- I’mma = I’m going to → I’mma hit him.
- I’d’ve = I would have → I’d’ve gone to the party if I’d known you were going.
- innit = isn’t it → Nice weather today, innit?
- kinda = kind of → I’m kinda tired.
- lemme = let me → Lemme check my calendar.
- lotsa = lots of → I plan on eating lotsa of food at the buffet.
- musta = must have → It musta been love.
- musnna = must not have → He musnna washed his car.
- mucha = much of → She does mucha her work abroad.
- mighta = might have → I mighta left my phone at home.
- needa = need to → I needa tell you something.
- outa = out of → He lives outa town.
- oughta = ought to → They oughta have more parks in the city center.
- sorta = sort of → I sorta made my own happiness.
- supposta = supposed to → They are supposta arrive tomorrow.
- s’more = some more → Try to get s’more sleep.
- shoulda = should have → I shoulda eaten breakfast this morning.
- shoulna = shouldn’t have → I shouldna used those words.
- tellem = tell them → Someone should tellem.
- tryna = trying to → I’m tryna decide.
- typa = type of → He’s that typa manager.
- useta = used to → I’m useta winning.
- wanna = want to → You wanna forget?
- wantsta = wants to → He wantsta start English lessons.
- woujya = would you → What woujya exclude?
- woulda = would have → They woulda lost.
- wouldna = wouldn’t have → He wouldna dared.
- wontcha = won’t you → Wontcha join us?
- ya = you → See ya!
- zit = is it → Zit sad or zit funny?
اختصارات انجليزية pdf
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